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Betches Media

Betches Instagram
Betches Online Portfolio

Known for its articles, podcasts, books, and social media content for its 12 different brands, Betches Media is a premier online platform for its audience of over 48 million Gen-Z and millennial women. A long-time fan of the company, I was ecstatic to work as a past Editorial and Social Intern and now a freelance writer. For the Winter 2022 semester, I interned remotely for 10-15 hours a week on top of my coursework. As the Social Intern, I developed content for the main Betches Instagram with 8.6 million followers and its 9 vertical accounts.  Working on the Instagram and TikTok accounts, I reached out to influencers and other social media creators for content access while assisting with feed planning and writing social media copy. On the editorial side of the internship, I copy-edited and uploaded every article to WordPress and Apple News while optimizing SEO headlines. Working directly under the Editor-in-Chief, I assisted with editorial research to make sure our articles were in-line with current content on our social platforms. As the program progressed and I developed an understanding of the Betches voice, I learned pitching skills and began to write my own articles for the website. A notable accomplishment of mine was writing a piece titled ‘The Toxic Side of the ‘That Girl’ Aesthetic Taking Over TikTok’. It received over 50k reads and was Betches’ highest-performing article of the quarter. With two articles published during my internship, I was offered a freelance position once the role ended.


Now working as a freelancer I follow all of the current media, entertainment, and fashion trends to write popular articles for Betches. Bringing my Gen-Z perspective to the platform, I love adopting the Betches voice to create my own ideas and also work on pieces given to me by my editors. Notably, I’ve written several shopping articles with affiliate content including the Ultimate Betches Gift Guide. Working to seamlessly combine my editorial voice with product placement, I have become incredibly interested in integrated marketing strategy which I hope to further explore in the future. This role is a dream come true and I am excited to continue writing for Betches as I progress through my junior and senior year at Michigan. Read about my beauty recommendations, obsession with Anne Hathaway, and take on the Funny Girl Broadway drama as well as the rest of my clips here.

The Michigan Daily

TMD Instagram
TMD Profile

The Michigan Daily is the University of Michigan’s main independent, student-run newspaper and is highly regarded as one of the best college papers in the country. Since the moment I visited Michigan, I have always wanted to enter the incredible world of college journalism, and am so lucky I could do so at The Daily. My work at the paper began freshman year when I applied for and received a role on the Audience Engagement team as a Social Media Editor. I worked five shifts a week where I drafted and edited all Instagram posts and captions on The Daily’s account with over 26k followers. Using scheduling tools and Creator Studio, I developed a thorough understanding of how to use social media to maximize editorial readership. 


At the beginning of my sophomore year at Michigan, I joined the Campus Life beat of the News section as a staff writer. After completing a semester-long training program under three levels of editors, I had the incredible opportunity to write 2 weekly articles about some of the most interesting events and happenings on campus such as the TEDxUofM summit. For each of my articles, I engaged in at least three interviews for which I got the chance to speak to Vice President of Student Life Martino Harmon, U-M’s Chief Health Officer Preeti Malani, and other influential figures at Michigan. Writing for the News section, I wrote clean copy on tight deadlines and gained transferable journalism skills which I brought to the Arts section of the paper when I joined at the beginning of my junior year. 

Now a part of Arts section of The Michigan Daily, I write for the Campus Culture and Style beat. Currently participating in the training process, I hope to focus my coverage toward fashion, visual arts, and theater here at Michigan. Working for three different sections on The Daily has been an incredible experience. It has solidified my interests in the intersection of the media and culture, entertainment, and arts while teaching me the skills and benefits of social media to promote editorial work. Read my work here.

Israel Daily News Podcast

At the Maccabiah Games in Jerusalem

I spent the Summer of 2022 in Tel Aviv as an Editorial and Social intern at the Israel Daily News Podcast. Throughout the eight-week position, I held several short and long-term responsibilities for the 15-minute daily news podcast. Every morning, I sourced and scripted the show’s five brief headline reports which always included a government story, a local story, and a soft, feel-good kicker story to end the show. As a part of my internship, also researched and wrote feature reports for a longer weekly episode. My first story was an economic report about the rise of tourism in Israel for which I interviewed the Israeli Tourism Commissioner and several local business owners. For my second feature, I attended the press preview of a new exhibit about NFTs at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and spoke with the artists, museum directors, and museum curators. Working with the podcast’s social team, I transformed the written and audio content from both the daily and feature stories into social media graphics and captions to optimize engagement with the show. During the duration of the role, I also had the unique chance to attend the press briefings and opening ceremony of the Maccabi games where I got to see President Joe Biden and high-ranking members of the Israeli government. This internship was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I loved immersing myself in Israeli culture when reporting on and attending such exciting events. As a result of this experience, I gained skills in podcast development and production, news and feature writing, interviewing, and press relations. The world of podcasts is only getting bigger and this position inspired me to explore it more by enrolling in a podcast production course back at the University of Michigan.

Students for Holocaust Awareness, Remembrance, and Education

SHARE Instagram
Newspaper article about SHARE

Working as the Communications Chair for Students for Holocaust Awareness, Remembrance, and Education — or SHARE from here on out — has been one of the most rewarding experiences during my time in college. Drawn to its strong mission to strengthen Holocaust memory through survivor speakers, antisemitism workshops, and educational events, I joined the club during my first month at Michigan. Since then, I’ve worked with and now lead students running our external outreach strategy. In this role, I maintain connections with professors and faculty in the University’s Judaic Studies and History departments, coordinate with Hillel professionals, communicate with campus press organizations, and manage our social media to promote our events to both the Jewish and larger student communities at U-M. Over the past year, our event attendance has skyrocketed from an average of 20 attendees to 60 with our main conference event drawing at least 120 students. At the beginning of my junior year, I stepped into a leadership role as one of the four students leading our executive board. While collaborating with the board, our advisor, and Hillel, I have worked not only on the communications side but also to manage our members, run our recruitment, and execute our events which included our three-day conference on Holocaust memory. Through this role, I have grown as a leader while gaining skills in event planning and execution, team management, social media, press relations, graphic design, and social media. It has been an incredible learning experience to complement my writing background with this marketing and PR work for an organization I deeply care about. 

MASH Magazine

MASH Editions
MASH Editions

MASH Magazine, also known as the Michigan Journal for the Business of Fashion is a digital publication of student perspectives on the intersection of society’s most influential industries. Drawn to its unique articles and strong mission, I joined MASH during my first month of college and have loved watching the organization grow during my two years as a staff writer. MASH has been my creative outlet constantly challenging my thinking and writing with its innovative edition themes. For each article, I participated in an extensive pitching and editing process with members of the executive board and editorial team which instilled in me the importance of collaboration. Whether discussing the First Family’s inauguration outfits or the relationship between TikTok on the fashion industry, I have always engaged in new and exciting research in hopes to center my writing on the impact of societal issues and trends on the fashion industry. MASH has allowed me to write about my lightbulb ideas and in doing so sparked my personal interest in fashion writing and marketing. Read my articles here.

HerCampus Media

HerCampus UMich Website
HerCampus Profile

The #1 media platform for female-identifying Gen-Z and college students, HerCampus Media has a large editorial presence at its University of Michigan chapter. As a staff writer, I published monthly articles on topics of my choosing while working with digital technology such as CMS formatting and SEO processing. With this creative freedom, I often chose to write about the advice I wish I was given when entering college or topics requested by members of the UMich community. Whether it be my article about end-of-semester burnout or advice for finals preparation, I have loved incorporating my college experience into my articles. In combination with my U-M journalism course, I had the unique experience of profiling a HerCampus and Michigan alum who is now a famous influencer about her college experience. Read that article as well as all of my published HerCampus articles here.

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